BBS Insider Weekly Email Digest - School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences - UT Dallas
BBS Insider - The School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences  |
May 6-12, 2024 |
Monday, May 6
4:00 - 5:00pm CT
Toward Brain-Computer Interfaces for Self-Regulation of Internal States — O’Donnell Brain Institute
Aaron Batista, PhD — University of Pittsburgh
In-Person Event | NM3.936
Tuesday, May 7
10:30 - 11:30am CT
Large-Scale Electrophysiological in the Primate Brain — O’Donnell Brain Institute
Tirin Moore, PhD — Stanford University
In-Person Event | NB4.122
Wednesday, May 8
12:00 - 1:00pm CT
RNA-Targeted Therapies for Neurodegenerative Disease — O’Donnell Brain Institute
Timothy M. Miller, MD, PhD — Washington University in St. Louis
In-Person Event | NM3.936
Thursday, May 9
7:00 - 8:15pm CT
Why Are Eating Habits So Hard to Change? (And How We Can Leverage Our Brain to Do the Work for Us) — BrainHealth Presents Lecture
Judson Brewer, MD, PhD — Brown University
Virtual Event | Zoom
Friday, May 10
4:30 - 6:00pm CT
CAPS Award Recipient Celebration — Center for Advanced Pain Studies — Enjoy light refreshments, tours of research facilities, and opportunities to meet scientists and friends of the center.
In-Person Event | Bioengineering and Sciences Building
BBS Podcast |
In the latest episode, Jillian and Soumya talk with Dr. William Marks about how lack of sleep affects brain functioning, and strategies to maintain proper sleep habits.
Tune in now, the BBS student-led podcast Mindful Minutes is available on Spotify.
Student Interest |
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