Peer-Reviewed Publications (click the links below to download pdfs):
- dos Santos, N.L., Lennert, M.E., Castillo, Z.W., Mody, P.H., Thompson, L.T., & Burton, M.L. (2022). Age and sex drive differential behavioral and neuroimmune phenotypes during postoperative pain. Neurobiology of Aging, in press.
- Tandon, N.R. & Thompson, L.T. (2022). Intranasal insulin reverses spatial memory deficits in aging rats and dose-dependently alters hippocampal regulation of intrinsic excitability. Neurobiology of Aging, re-submitted.
- Kapolowicz, M.L. & Thompson, L.T. (2021). Plasticity in limbic regions at early time points in experimental models of tinnitus. #4 of Editors Top 10 Picks for 2021 (e-Book). Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience.
- Kapolowicz, M.R. & Thompson, L.T. (2020). Plasticity in limbic regions at early time points in experimental models of tinnitus, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience.
- Greer, T.L. & Thompson, L.T. (2017). Eyeblink Conditioning in Psychiatric Conditions - State of the Field and Future Directions, Frontiers in Psychiatry ebook.
- Greer, T.L. & Thompson, L.T. (2017). Eyeblink conditioning in psychiatric disorders: State of the field and future directions. Frontiers in Psychiatry, preface.
- Greer, T.L. & Thompson, L.T. (2017). Eyeblink conditioning in psychiatric disorders: Novel uses for a classical paradigm. Frontiers in Psychiatry, editorial.
- Kapolowicz, M.R. & Thompson, L.T. (2016). Acute high-intensity noise induces rapid Arc protein expression but fails to rapidly change GAD expression in amygdala and hippocampus of rats: Effects of treatment with D-cycloserine. Hearing Research , 342, 69-79.
- Underwood, E.L. & Thompson, L.T. (2016). High-fat diet impairs spatial memory and hippocampal intrinsic excitability, and sex-dependently alters circulating insulin and hippocampal insulin-sensitivity. Biology of Sex Differences , 7:9.
- Underwood, E.L. & Thompson, L.T. (2015). A high-fat diet causes impairment in hippocampal memory and sex-dependent alterations in peripheral metabolism. Neural Plasticity, 501, 161985.
- Greer, T.L. & Thompson, L.T. (2015). Eyeblink conditioning in psychiatric disorders: Novel implications for a classical paradigm. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Research Topic.
- Lovitz, E.S. & Thompson, L.T. (2015). Memory-enhancing clenbuterol infusion into the amygdala reduces post-burst afterhyperpolarizations in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons following inhibitory avoidance learning. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, 119, 34-41.
- Donzis, E.J. & Thompson, L.T. (2014). D-cycloserine enhances both intrinsic excitability of CA1 hippocampal neurons and expression of activity-regulated cytoskeletal (Arc) protein. Neuroscience Letters, 571, 50-54.
- Donzis, E.J., Rennaker, R.L. & Thompson, L.T. (2013). Fear conditioning alters neuron-specific hippocampal place field stability via the basolateral amygdala. Brain Research, 1525, 16-25.
- Wilmott, L.A. & Thompson, L.T. (2013). Sex- and dose-dependent effects of post-trial calcium channel blockade by magnesium chloride on memory for inhibitory avoidance conditioning. Behavioral Brain Research, 257, 49-53.
- Farmer, G.E. & Thompson, L.T. (2012). Learning-dependent plasticity of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron post-burst afterhyperpolarizations and increased excitability after inhibitory avoidance learning depend upon basolateral amygdala inputs. Hippocampus, 22, 1703-1719.
- Goble, T.J., Møller, A. & Thompson, L.T. (2009). Acute high-intensity sound exposure alters responses of place cells in hippocampus. Hearing Research, 253, 52-59.
- Greer, T.L., Trivedi, M.H. & Thompson, L.T. (2005). Impaired delay and trace eyeblink conditioning performance in major depressive disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 86, 235-245.
- Møller, A.R. & Thompson, L.T. (2003). Central neuronal plasticity in tinnitus: Functional assessments in the inferior colliculus and the hippocampus. Tinnitus Today, 28, 21.
- Oh, M.M., Power, J.M., Thompson, L.T., & Disterhoft, J.F. (2000). Apamin increases the excitability of rabbit CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Neuroscience Research Communications, 27, 135-142.
- Moyer, J.R., Power, J.M., Thompson, L.T. & Disterhoft, J.F. (2000). Increased excitability of aged rabbit CA1 neurons after trace eyeblink conditioning. Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 5476-5482.
- Oh, M.M., Power, J.M., Thompson, L.T., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1999). Metrifonate reduces post-burst afterhyperpolarizations in aging CA1 neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 19, 1814-1823.
- Thompson, L.T. & Disterhoft, J.F. (1997). Age- and dose-dependent facilitation of associative eyeblink conditioning by D-cycloserine in rabbits. Behavioral Neuroscience, 111, 1303-1312.
- Thompson, L.T. & Disterhoft, J.F. (1997). N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors in associative eyeblink conditioning: Both MK-801 and phencyclidine produce task- and dose-dependent impairments. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 281, 928-940.
- Carrillo, M.C., Thompson, L.T., Gabrielli, J., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1997). Variation of the intertrial interval in human classical conditioning. Psychobiology, 25, 152-157.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Kronforst-Collins, M.A., McEchron, M.D., Moyer, J.R., Power J.R. & Thompson, L.T. (1997). Mechanisms of associative learning in young and ageing hippocampus. Journal of Physiology (London), 501, S6-S7.
- Power, J.M., Thompson, L.T., Moyer, J.R., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1997). Enhanced synaptic transmission in CA1 hippocampus after eyeblink conditioning. Journal of Neurophysiology, 78, 1184-1187.
- Kronforst-Collins, M.A., Moriearty, P.L., Ralph, M., Becker, R.E., Schmidt, B., Thompson, L.T., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1997). Metrifonate treatment enhances acquisition of eyeblink conditioning in aging rabbits. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 56, 103-110.
- Thompson, L.T., Moyer, J.R., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1996). Trace eyeblink conditioning demonstrates heterogeneity of learning ability both between and within age groups. Neurobiology of Aging, 17, 619-629.
- Thompson, L.T., Moyer, J.R., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1996). Transient changes in excitability of rabbit CA3 neurons with a time-course appropriate to support memory consolidation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 76, 1836-1849.
- Moyer, J.R., Thompson, L.T., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1996). Trace eyeblink conditioning increases CA1 excitability in a transient and learning-specific manner. Journal of Neuroscience, 16, 5536-5546.
- deJong, G.I., Naber, P.A., van der Zee, E.A., Thompson, L.T., Disterhoft, J.F., & Luiten, P.G.M. (1996). Age-related loss of calcium binding proteins in the rabbit hippocampus. Neurobiology of Aging, 17, 459-465.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Thompson, L.T., Moyer, J.R., & Mogul, D. (1996). Calcium-dependent afterhyperpolarization and learning in young and aging hippocampus. Life Sciences, 59, 413-420.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Thompson, L.T., Weiss, C., Moyer, J.R., van der Zee, E., Carrillo, M., Kronforst-Collins, M., & Power, J. (1995). The calcium hypothesis for Alzheimer's disease: Insights from animal and human studies. Neuroscience Research Communications, 17, 121-131.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Moyer, J.R., Thompson, L.T. & Carrillo, M. (1995). Calcium hypothesis of neural protection by calcium antagonists. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 15, S55.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Moyer, J.R. & Thompson, L.T. (1994). The calcium rationale in aging and Alzheimers disease: Evidence from an animal model of normal aging. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 747, 382-406.
- Akase, E., Thompson, L.T., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1994). A system for quantitative analysis of associative learning: 2. Real-time software for MS-DOS microcomputers. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 54, 119-130.
- Thompson, L.T., Akase, E., Moyer, J.R. & Disterhoft, J.F. (1994). A system for quantitative analysis of associative learning: 1. Hardware interfaces with cross-species applications. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 54, 109-117.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Thompson, L.T., Moyer, J.R., & Kowalska, M. (1993). Nimodipine facilitates learning and increases excitability of hippocampal neurons in aging rabbits. Drugs in Development, 2, 395-405.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Moyer, J.R., Thompson, L.T., & Kowalska, M. (1993). Functional aspects of calcium-channel modulation. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 16, S12-S24.
- Thompson, L.T., Moskal, J.R., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1992). Hippocampus-dependent learning facilitated by a monoclonal antibody or D-cycloserine. Nature, 359, 638-641.
- Moyer, J.R., Thompson, L.T., Black, J.P., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1992). Nimodipine increases excitability of rabbit CA1 pyramidal neurons in an age- and concentration-dependent manner. Journal of Neurophysiology, 68, 2100-2109.
- Thompson, L.T., Moyer, J.R., & Disterhoft, J.F. (1992). Cellular mechanisms for nimodipine's reduction of aging-related learning deficits. Advances in Behavioral Biology, 40, 241-256.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Deyo, R.A. & Thompson, L.T. (1992). Nimodipine improves learning and sensorimotor behaviors in aging mammals. Advances in Behavioral Biology, 40, 227-240.
- Alkon, D.L., Amaral, D.G., Bear, M.F., Black, J., Carew, T.J., Cohen, N.J., Disterhoft, J.F., Eichenbaum, H., Golski, S., Gorman, L.K., Lynch, G., McNaughton, B.L., Mishkin, M., Moyer, J.R., Olds, J.L., Olton, D.S., Otto, T., Squire, L.R., Staubli, U., Thompson, L.T. & Wible, C.W. (1991). Learning and memory: Calcium-mediated changes in hippocampal neurons and learning. Brain Research Reviews, 16, 193-220.
- Thompson, L.T., Deyo, R.A., & Disterhoft, J.F (1990). Nimodipine enhances spontaneous firing of hippocampal pyramidal cells in aging rabbits at a dose that facilitates associative learning. Brain Research, 535, 119-130.
- Thompson, L.T. & Best, P.J. (1990). Long-term stability of the place field activity of single-units recorded from the dorsal hippocampus of freely-behaving rats. Brain Research, 509, 299-308.
- Best, P.J. & Thompson, L.T. (1989). Persistence, reticence, and opportunism of place field activity in hippocampal neurons. Psychobiology, 17, 230-235.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Deyo, R.A., Moyer, J.R., Straube, K.T. & Thompson, L.T. (1989). Calcium blockers and memory in the aging brain. Cardiovascular Reviews & Reports, 10, 22-29.
- Thompson, L.T. & Best, P.J. (1989). Place cells and silent cells in the hippocampus of freely-behaving rats. Journal of Neuroscience, 9, 2382-2390.
- Thompson, L.T. & Best, P.J. (1990). The significance of place cues in taste conditioning. Appetite, 6, 301.
- Ellins, S.R., Thompson, L.T., & Swanson, W.E. (1983). Effects of novelty and familiarity on illness-induced aversions to food and place cues in coyotes (Canis latrans). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 97, 302-309.
Manuscripts in Preparation
- Underwood, E.L. & Thompson, L.T. (2020). Long- vs. short-term effects of high-fat diet on memory. Neurobiology of Aging, in preparation.
- Farmer, G.E. & McIntyre, C.K. & Thompson, L.T. (2020). Transient learning-dependent intrinsic excitability changes in basolateral amygdala pyramidal neurons following inhibitory avoidance learning. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, revisions submitted.
- Wilmott, L.A. & Thompson, L.T. (2020). Dose-dependent facilitation of memory for an inhibitory avoidance task by nimodipine. Behavioural Pharmacology, revisions submitted.
- Lea, P., McColl, R., Basak, C. & Thompson, L.T. (2020). Neural substrates of trace eyeblink conditioning across the human lifespan: Behavioral, volumetric and fMRI studies of normal and impaired trace eyeblink conditioning. Frontiers in Psychiatry, in preparation.
- Lovitz, E.S., Bibb, J.A. & Thompson, L.T. (2020). Regulation of spatial specificity encoded in hippocampal place cells by Cdk5. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, revisions in progress.
- Thompson, L.T., Gant, J.C. & Farmer, G.E. (2020). Spatial learning and AHP plasticity in young and aging CA1 pyramidal neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, in preparation.
- Seif, T. & Thompson, L.T. (2020). D-cycloserine enhances intrinsic excitability of CA1 neurons in vitro: Assessing novel mechanism for nootropic effects. Journal of Neurophysiology, in preparation.
- Farmer, G.E., Goble, T.J., & Thompson, L.T. (2020). D-cycloserine enhances place-cell location-specificity in a novel manner. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, in preparation.
- Thompson, L.T., Lea, P. & Wilmott, L.A. (2020). Aging strain-selective deficits in rat spatial learning depend on the definition of 'impaired'. Neurobiology of Aging, in preparation.
- Lea, P., Maxham, K.Y., McColl, R. & Thompson, L.T. (2020). Modern fiber optic solutions for artifact-free classical conditioning studies in magnetic resonance imaging environments. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, in preparation.
- Thompson, L.T., Goble, T.J., Farmer, G.E., & Donzis, E.J. (2020). Stress alters hippocampal place-cell location specificity. Behavioral Neuroscience, in preparation.
- Gant, J.C. & Thompson, L.T. (2020). Calmodulin inhibitors enhance post-synaptic excitability in young and aging CA1 neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, in preparation.
- Thompson, L.T. & Lea, P. (2020). D-cycloserine facilitates complex spatial learning in rats: Age- and dose-dependence of effects. Behavioral Neuroscience, in preparation.
- Greer, T.L. & Thompson, L.T. (2020). Associative eyeblink conditioning and aging: Cross-sectional analyses of deficits in discrimination and reveral learning. Behavioral Neuroscience, in revision.
- Thompson, L.T., Gant, J.C., Velasco, R., & Vachha, B. (2020). Aging reverses complementary expression of CaM-KII and calcineurin immunoreactivity in rat hippocampus. Hippocampus, in preparation.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Carrillo, M.C., Thompson, L.T., McNaughton, B., & Gabrielli, J. (2020). Nimodipine reverses impairments in eyeblink conditioning in the most impaired but clinically ‘normal’ aging humans. Psychobiology, in preparation.
Book Chapters:
- Disterhoft, J.F., Kronforst, M.A., Moyer, J.R., Thompson, L.T., van der Zee, E. & Weiss, C. (1996). Hippocampal neuron changes during trace eyeblink conditioning in the rabbit. In J.R. Bloedel, T.J. Ebner, & S.P. Wide (Eds.), The acquisition of motor behavior in vertebrates. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 143-174.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Thompson, L.T. & Moyer, J.R. (1994). Cellular mechanisms of associative learning in the hippocampus. In J. Delacour (Ed.), The memory systems in the brain. London: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 431-492.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Moyer, J.R., Thompson, L.T. & Kowalska, M. (1993). Nimodipine and learning in aging rabbits. In J. Traber (Ed.), Dihydropyridines: Progress in pharmacology and therapy. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 81-97.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Deyo, R.A., Black, J., de Jonge, M., Straube, K. & Thompson, L.T. (1989). Associative learning in aging rabbits is facilitated by nimodipine. In W.H. Gispen & J. Traber (Eds.), Nimodipine and central nervous function. Stuttgart: Schattauer, pp. 209-225.
- Disterhoft, J.F., Deyo, R.A., Thompson, L.T., Black, J.P. & Straube, K.T. (1989). “Effects of nimodipine on associative learning and neuronal activity in aging.” Bayer workshop on pharmacology and clinical results with nimodipine. Bologna, Italy, pp. 104-111.
Unpublished Theses:
- Thompson, L.T. (1983). Alpha enhancement: The effect of feedback modality in an EEG biofeedback paradigm. Presented as part of the requirements for an MA in Experimental Psychology, California State University, San Bernardino, California, under the guidance of Fred G. Newton, PhD
- Thompson, L.T. (1988). Hippocampal place cells: Silent, stable, and hungry. Presented as part of the requirements for a PhD in Neuroscience, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, under the guidance of Phillip J. Best, PhD, Neuroscience Program Head.