Northwestern University Medical School (NUMS) Colleagues

PhD students in Neuroscience mentored at NUMS, and where they are now...

James R. Moyer, Jr.

James R. Moyer, Jr., 1992
Chairman, Dept. of
Psychology, University of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Maria C. Carillo

Maria C. Carillo, 1995
Senior Director, Medical
& Scientific Relations,
Alzheimer's Association,

Michelle A Kronforst-Collins

Michelle A. Kronforst-Collins,
1997, Director, Neuroscience
Field-Based Medical Affairs,
Abbott Laboratories, Abbott
Park, IL

John N. Power

John N. Power, 1999
Translational Neuroscience
Facility, Department of
Physiology, School of Medical
Sciences, The University of
New South Wales, Sydney
NSW, Australia

M. Matthew Oh

M. Matthew Oh, 2002
Dept. of Physiology, NUMS,

John Disterhoft

John Disterhoft,
Professor of Physiology,
NUMS, Chicago

A talk by John Disterhoft at
UVa while I was a graduate
student (1986) sparked my
interests in plasticity
mechanisms beyond
simplistic Hebbian dogmas.
He was first my postdoc
advisor and then my
colleague and collaborator
on multiple projects and
grants at NUMS.