Rachel WilhelmPhysiological and molecularmechanisms of aging and memory impairments.
Neha TandonMolecular mechanisms ofhigh-fat diet and diabetes, sex-differences, learning and memory impairments,insulin-sensitivity,CA1 excitability, plasticity, signaling pathways, long- vs.short-term effects, hormonalplasticity
Natalia dos SantosEffects of nasal insulin on HFD.
Michelle Kapolowicz Cross-training withDr. Peter Assmann for human hearing science
Penny Lea Currently on leave of absence
Priscilla SaenzHuman aging project
Michael KungAging project
Dev Laxman SubramanianSingle-unit project
Dominic LakhotiaSingle-unit project
Soumi LeleLE breeder
Liz MartinNasal insulin project
Sanaz SajadiHuman aging project
Parisa NajafigolAging project
Ben PaceHuman aging project
Arya PhatakHFD project
Elizabeth PerezHFD project